We support AWS, Azure and data centers.

Learn how LANTopia can help build the perfect network for you!

Have an outdated network environment? No problem. We can help you migrate to the latest tech without negatively impacting your current critical systems.

Whether you need to manage your On-Prem service architecture, on the cloud, or a hybrid solution, you can count on LANTopia, solutions for the perfect network for you. We even have an implementation where our embedded systems and IoT devices, along with our custom SCADA solutions, monitor remote sites and integrate seamlessly with the network. No issue is too complex. Call us to schedule a free consult.

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We work with the companies that have established a stainless reputation in what they do.

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Our 24/7/365 Helpdesk IT support helpdesk working in sunset model across multiple geography, supported by automated bots for issues resolution

Tags : Network and System Support


Our 24/7/365 Helpdesk IT support helpdesk working in sunset model across multiple geography, supported by automated bots for issues resolution We deliver

Tags : 24/7/365 Helpdesk IT support


Our 24/7/365 Helpdesk IT support helpdesk working in sunset model across multiple geography, supported by automated bots for issues resolution We deliver

Tags : IT Help Desk Support & Service


Provide Web Hosting  Services

Tags : Web Hosting


we are still monitoring the lexmark enterprise client.

Tags : Infrastructure Implementation and monitoring


We are providing full time Virtual Assistant Services for Techunited Inc and connecthomecare.com   Inc we are take care all of administrate work for them from remote location since 2017.

Tags : Virtual Assistant Services



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LANTopia has helped me set up a global network of students who are able to attend my lectures, classes and seminars online.

Arun Sharma

President, IMANAH

"To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity." 

Don Alden Adams

Customers often know more about your products than you do. Use them as a source of inspiration and ideas for product development.

David J. Greer