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  • Web Hosting Service

    Lantopia offers both managed websites and managed-to-host services. 
    services for managed websites Verify that your website is constantly accessible.

  • Migration Services

    ‘cloud migration’ refers to the process of moving your business data, 

    email and applications to a cloud computing environment.

  • Help Desk Support Service

    Lantopia offer to you Businesses use the Outsourced IT Help Desk 
    Support Services to provide 24*7 availability to customers. 

  • Cloud & Virtualization


    Simply develop effective business continuity solutions, Lantopia can 
    implement cost effective virtualization solutions that will ensure and 
    meet your objectives.

  • Network Services

    IT infrastructure monitoring Services Providers enable organizations 
    to identify and resolve 

  • Managed IT Services

    Our 24/7/365 Helpdesk IT support helpdesk works in sunset model across multiple 
    geographies, supported by automated bots for issues resolution We deliver

  • IT Consulting

    Lantopia offers both managed websites and managed-to-host services. 
    Managed website services ensure your site is always available.

  • CCTV Monitoring Services


    CCTV monitoring offers security surveillance to ward
    off criminal behavior from you, your place of 
    business, or your residence.

We support AWS, Azure and data centers.

Learn how LANTopia can help build the perfect network for you!

Have an outdated network environment? No problem. We can help you migrate to the latest tech without negatively impacting your current critical systems.

Whether you need to manage your On-Prem service architecture, on the cloud, or a hybrid solution, you can count on LANTopia, solutions for the perfect network for you. We even have an implementation where our embedded systems and IoT devices, along with our custom SCADA solutions, monitor remote sites and integrate seamlessly with the network. No issue is too complex. Call us to schedule a free consult.

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Contact TechUnited, Inc.

Let us solve your problems 


Apache Web Server Support

  • Virtual Host Configuration, Load Balancing & Access Control
  • Error Handling and Custom Error Pages, Backup and Recovery
  • Collaboration with Development Teams & Security Measures
  • Resource Utilization Monitoring, Community and Support
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Squid Proxy for Residency

  • Integration with Authentication Systems & Transparent Proxy
  • Logging, Monitoring Bandwidth Management and IPv6 Support
  • Proxy Server Functionality and Authentication Mechanisms
  • WCCP (Web Cache Communication Protocol) Support
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Google Cloud Support (GCP)

  • Multicloud and Hybrid Cloud Strategies, Network and Connectivity Support
  • Infrastructure Planning, Continuous Improvement and  Integration Support
  • Cloud Monitoring and Logging, Best Practices and Recommendations
  • Billing and Cost Management, Cloud Training and Certification 
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Microsoft Azure Cloud Support

  • Azure Monitoring and Logging & Azure Portal and Support Center
  • Multicloud and Hybrid Cloud Strategies & Incident Post-Mortems
  • Resource Scaling and Optimization and Continuous Improvement
  • Best Practices and Recommendations & Infrastructure Planning
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Alibaba Cloud Support

  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Cloud Platform and 24/7 Customer Support
  • Technical Account Manager (TAM), Channels and Cloud Support Center
  • Incident Management, Performance Optimization and Security Guidance
  • Incident Response Planning and Compliance and Regulatory Support
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AWS Cloud9 Support

  • Cloud9 Integrated Development Environment write, run, and debug
  • AWS Support Plans and AWS Personal Health Dashboard
  • AWS Documentation, Knowledge Base & Security Guidance
  • Billing and Cost Management & Continuous Improvement
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We work with the companies that have established a stainless reputation in what they do.

  • Choose your category:


Our 24/7/365 Helpdesk IT support helpdesk working in sunset model across multiple geography, supported by automated bots for issues resolution

Tags : Network and System Support


Our 24/7/365 Helpdesk IT support helpdesk working in sunset model across multiple geography, supported by automated bots for issues resolution We deliver

Tags : 24/7/365 Helpdesk IT support


Our 24/7/365 Helpdesk IT support helpdesk working in sunset model across multiple geography, supported by automated bots for issues resolution We deliver

Tags : IT Help Desk Support & Service


Provide Web Hosting  Services

Tags : Web Hosting


we are still monitoring the lexmark enterprise client.

Tags : Infrastructure Implementation and monitoring


We are providing full time Virtual Assistant Services for Techunited Inc and   Inc we are take care all of administrate work for them from remote location since 2017.

Tags : Virtual Assistant Services



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LANTopia has helped me set up a global network of students who are able to attend my lectures, classes and seminars online.

Arun Sharma

President, IMANAH

"To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity." 

Don Alden Adams

Customers often know more about your products than you do. Use them as a source of inspiration and ideas for product development.

David J. Greer